Friday, October 21, 2011

The Search

It took a while to find a new spot.  Queen knew how important proximity was to me, so She went out of Her way to provide me with maximum discomfort.  All of the places I sought out had been burned, flooded, or infested with plague.  It had to be Her doing.

Queen now guarded her 24-7.  She designed someone to keep vigil as she went on Her errands.  My love was eye candy in the store.  No matter what I tried, I was unable to touch her the way I had before.  Whatever progress I made tapping into her id evaporated with Queen's influence and teachings.

Any normal being would have given up.

Who said I was normal?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Battle Lines

The times that followed can be described as a stalemate--like a plane in a holding pattern not given clearance to land.

I had introduced her to the pinnacles of her urges.  I wanted to sculpt her to explore it further.  I knew the warning from Queen but the challenge of my love remained my motivation, and I would not be deterred.

After the encounter, Queen made a point not to stay away for extremely long periods of time.  She could tell by the change in my love's vitals when I had come.  I kept cutting it too close, so she didn't have time to simmer down before Queen arrived.

One night, I noticed that Queen had been gone a bit longer than usual.  I opted to be bold and attempt another B & E (Breaking and Entering).

I scanned the area.  Looked clear.

Drew my blade and poked.  All clear.

My mind screaming, "Girl, this is way too easy--something is up..."

But all I could hear was my lust.

The lights were dim already.   This slightly threw me off; normally she would still be up reading, dozing with book in hand.

But I was so enthralled with the ease of entry, I did not take as much heed to the pattern change as I should have.  I kneeled and reached out to caress her ear...

"Something's not right..." my mind still saying.

And then I feel the temperature of the cartilege shift.

Fuck, it's a trap...

As Queen reached for me, I morphed into vapor and vanished towards my usual hiding spot, only to find it had been vandalized.  While I had been scoping her, Queen had been investigating.

As I stewed in anger, I remembered Queen's words.

"Don't make me hunt you..."

I screamed.

Down below, a slow smile spread across Queen's face.

My Experiment

I wanted to have a little fun--to see how far I could push the envelope.  I noticed she had developed an interest in Harlequin, but she would hide the books, for she didn't think Grandma would approve.  She got them for little or nothing at the library, and she wisely mixed them between classics and school books.

One night, she drifted to sleep before she could fully finish deciphering one of the sex scenes.  I glanced around to see if Queen was close.  No sign.  I withdrew my blade to see if I would encounter the same force field as before.  I didn't.

I crept from my hiding place and ventured closer to her.  Her teeth were slightly clenched but the rest of her very relaxed.  I pushed her thick, black hair back to caress the outline of her ear.  So soft, so delicate...looking oh, so succulent. 

The tip of my tongue grazed the pointedness of my teeth.  Predatory heat colored my retinas.  My blood was coarsing; my body throbbed uncontrollably.

I want.  I need.  I crave.
I must...
I cannot wait any longer;
I will MAKE you know I exist...

My long tongue trailed the back of the exposed ear down the length of her neck.  She shivered. 

I repeated the action again.

She shivered but I also noticed other parts of her body were coming out of slumber.  I placed my hands beneath her hot pink and white striped sleepshirt to grasp her rising mahogany peaks.

She groaned and winced at the same tips.

Oops...too much pressure.  I hadn't given thought that her tolerance for pain was way less than my own.  My clit became more engorged with the knowledge.

I will teach you to love my pain, baby...

I brushed my clit against her panties while continuing the dance of tongue and hands.  Her heart accelerated to meet the rhythm of mine.  I had to lick my lips to stop my salivation.

Her clit was swelling against my own.  Her thick thighs slowly spread and she twitched.  I paused, not sure if this were a bad thing or not.

Oh, shit...

She sat up and began to rub her eyes.  This was not what I was aiming to do.  Should I leave or follow?

My mind screaming, "You're being way too reckless.  Queen could come back at any time.  Cut your losses and live to do it another day."

My heart debating, "But what if you never have this full fledged opening again?  Could you live with yourself if you missed out?"

No, I couldn't.

I followed her slow trip to the bathroom.  She slid down her white Hanes panties and sat on the toilet, confusion etching her face.

I smiled and then laughed.  The poor dear thought her erection meant she had to urinate.  It was pitiful yet sweet.  My love for her became even greater.

I kneeled before her and stared at her rosebud.  So perfect, never been plucked.  I let the heat of my breath tease it.

"What's wrong with you?" she growled in frustration, looking at her raised button.  "You're starting to hurt; how can I make you go away?"

I smirked and continue to blow.  Her right hand made a swatting gesture and connected with her vulva and raised clit.  She bit her lip and began to rub to alleviate the pain.  The pain gave way to relief, and she rubbed and melted into pleasure as her fingers moved faster and faster.  Her head tilted back; her eyes closed.  As her thighs quaked, I grasped them and slightly elevated them, so the toilet seat would not sound as her orgasms rushed through her...

All of a sudden, the atmosphere went from warm to chilled...


I raced back to my hiding place; she tumbled from Paradise to Reality and left the bathroom to resume slumber.

Just when I thought I had escaped undetected, I heard something.  At first, I ignored it because I believed it was the force field being reconstructed.  I stilled the rushing of my heart, amplified my ears' volume.

"I don't know who You are, but stay away from her."

Soft, yet forceful.

"I can't see You, but I can feel You.  Know that I will always be able to feel You."

I knew I should have either confronted Her or walked even further away.

But I was frozen.

"I'm only telling You nicely this once.  Stay away.  Don't make me hunt for You."

Then, She tucked her in and resumed Her watch.

I should have been infuriated.  How dare She tell me what I can and cannot do?  She's the new bitch on the block; I got Seniority!

But I bowed down to a bedrudging respect; if the tables were turned, I would have done the same thing but not nearly as eloquent.

Ah, Queen, let the games begin.  You're a valiant opponent, but in the end, she will remain mine."

Queen: Observation Four

Queen had a flaw.
She was a prude.
A non-sexual being.

Any sparks of lust, desire, fantasy would be snubbed out when Queen was near her.

I had a gateway.  I waited until Queen was asleep or writing and then I would visit. 

I made pleasing discoveries about my beloved.  Inklings of being aware that certain parts of the anatomy of sexual organs, knowing her grandparents had more pressing things to attend to, she opted not to ask any questions.  She didn't want to arouse fear or worry.

They seemed to rule with a somewhat iron fist.  She didn't have the freedoms most her age did--to hang out at the mall, go to the movies, have birthday parties, sleepovers, but in the beginning, she didn't feel as if she were missing much.  Perhaps if she had realized that she was being somewhat punished by the sins of her mother and the guilt of her grandparents, her attitude would have been different.

But I digress.

Queen: Observation Three

My energy wears the scars of battle;
Her skin wore the scars of none.

My Nemesis was breathtaking, but even that weren't enough words to truly describe Queen.  Her energy had a regalness; one found herself bowing even if she didn't want to.  Her eyes, shining and young, her insight, far surpassing the years.

I wanted to hate Her so bad, but there was so much to love, admire, and respect about Queen.  I couldn't bring myself to destroy Her and that reality tore at me daily.

Perhaps I should have pressed forward with my intentions in the interim.  Who knows how things would have transpired but I can't waste time on back then.  I can only focus on the now--the current situation.  I was in a losing situation, should have walked away but my pride wouldn't let me go.  I saw her first, and Queen was only temporary.  My time would come soon enough.

Queen: Observation Two

How could I take out this new threat?  I had to take a closer look.

But I noticed, as I drew near, that a force field had been woven around the two.  I scraped my nails against it-it trembled but would not give.  I withdrew my blade and poked at it with the tip; bolts of current surged through me.

My eyes flashed in anger, and then I smiled.  I always did like a challenge; perhaps this could hone and evolve my own abilities.  When I put it into this perspective, I could convince myself I did not feel as threatened. 

Yet I could not deny that Queen was the stronger entity-an embodiment of the power she always possessed but did not feel bold enough to unleash as herself. 

The Trick even had me questioning my own swagga...

Queen: Observation One

It was through observation that I discovered Queen. 

I could tell because her art changed--the concrete became more abstract. 

The writings slowly became more evolved--from slight remnants of her to oblivion.

Soon, no one--from classmates to teachers, understood her metaphors, the direction her mind went with certain pieces.  Genius and dementia began to walk fine lines.

I don't know why it never occurred to me how fragile Human Spirit could be.  That, at times, it can crack, crumble--that other elements can slither in before putting the facade back together. 

Was my love at that point and I was too blinded by my own agenda to see the signs?  Or was this her way of saying she didn't need me or want me?

Either way, I was no longer in the top running for her attentions, and I was, in one word, pissed.  And that is putting it lightly.

Once Queen came to light, I felt such a sequence of emotions.  I wanted to scream.  I wanted to cry.  I wanted to fight.  I wanted to fuck.  I did more the later than anything to channel the aggression in a positive way, even if it meant my clitoral and vaginal tissues were raw as a result.